Sitting here at my computer is a tortuous thing. If I raise my eyes even the littlest bit I am looking out at the astounding colors of this, the most beautiful ever, fall season. It is the stunning glory, the aching last hurrah, of a long drawn out warm spell that has made summer feel so close still, and winter so far off. But I know- oh yes I do- what is coming, and so I am going outside. I will bathe in the orange light that permeates this world. I will revel in the breeze and the cool fresh air. I will circulate my blood by walking, singing, throwing firewood, planting garlic. I will celebrate life as the leaves fall around me and lay out the path for me to follow when I turn for home. For turn to home I must, as that is also of this season. I will turn inward, and listen... listen to my heart and to the hearts of my loved ones as we create the space for sitting, reading, cooking, loving, weaving. This life is a tapestry of beauty and it is with gratitude that I enjoy each and every day. Go out my friends, and store up what is there to sustain you as you turn inward. May healing energy abound.