Monday, December 11, 2017


It is snowing lightly, and my heart and soul turn inward for the final winter preparations.  I seek quiet time, healthy foods, sitting by the fire with my beloveds.  Many of those dear ones have been with me for a long time- I have shared a home for 38 years with my partner and best friend Mark.  Mesa, my ultra soft and sweet hound dog, has been with me for 11 years.  Tucker, the exuberant and kind Red Healer (spelling intentional), has been my velcro for 8.  My newest love is a green eyed gray beauty of a kitty- Rosie.  As winter descends she is discovering the joys of watching birds at the window, sitting near the stove to absorb the extra heat, sleeping next to me with motor on full throttle.  To have cat energy in my life again was something else I had been seeking, and I couldn't have found a more perfect teacher than miss Rosie.  She loves the simple life.  She does not ask for more than her share.   Observing while sitting quietly is a goal unto itself.  Her needs and mine are the same, really: quiet time, healthy foods, sitting by the fire with beloveds.  Oh, and for me, a glass of wine at the end of the day.