
Reiki is a Japanese mindfulness practice that promotes well-being for the body, mind, and spirit.  It is a gentle, non-invasive way for the recipient to experience deep relaxation and grounding, which supports the bodies innate ability to heal itself.  Reiki is extremely supportive for the immune system, stress relief, transitions of all kinds, and pain reduction, as well as supporting recovery from illness, injury, and surgery.

Petey in the garden

Reiki for people 

 A person receiving Reiki will lie fully clothed on my table, and I will gently place my hands in various positions on the body to share the reiki energy. At the end of a session people report deep relaxation, quieter breathing, easing of pain, feeling grounded, clearer thinking, heightened awareness of their body, release of tension, and more. Reiki can be done at my beautiful studio on MacArthur Road in Marlboro, I can travel to your home, or a distance session can be arranged. A session generally lasts an hour.


Reiki for animals 

An animal receiving Reiki may move around in order to have either a hands on treatment, or to receive it from a bit of a distance. They can be nervous at the beginning but after the initial treatment they are much more likely to accept direct contact with my hands. They will often fall into a deep sleep, do a lot of yawning and stretching, and otherwise show me that they are relaxing and appreciating the energy flow and attention. All animal Reiki sessions will be done at your home where your animal feels safe and comfortable. A typical session will last 30 to 45 minutes.

Distance Reiki

Because of Reiki's heart to heart clarity and connectedness, it is just as effective from a distance as it is with direct contact, so distance treatment is always an option.

Hospice Reiki

I feel a deep heart connection to all beings as they transition to spirit form, and am always honored to  offer Reiki to loved ones, two footed or four, who are approaching this blessed time. All present will benefit from the Reiki infusion.  

Reiki Classes

I am available to teach Reiki to anyone interested in learning how to cultivate this powerful, loving, energy.  Once you know how to access and work with it you can use this energy on yourself, your family and friends, and your animals.  Contact me if you are interested in attending a Reiki class.