I don't have time! I am too stressed! I don't feel well enough! I'm too vulnerable! Too busy! Too tense! These are just a few of the excuses I hear as to why someone can't come for Reiki.
It is so easy to think that Reiki is a feel good experience that should be added to other feel good times, such as vacations, spa days, days off, etc, but really when we are stressed, sick, sore, worried, upset, sad- these are precisely the times that we need Reiki the most. We carve time our of our crazy schedules to go for a walk, to sit and have a cup of tea, to talk to a friend (and if we don't do these things, we should!) and I suggest we do the same for Reiki. Commit to the 1- 1.5 hours that you would spend with me to calm your spirit, ease your heart, center your mind, balance your body. You will then be able to go off and address the potentially overwhelming aspects of reality with a more grounded, peaceful approach. You will be healthier on all levels, and thus able to function clearly and calmly, move with ease and purpose, and breath deeply throughout your day.
These times on our earth call for actions of all kinds, and I honor you for acting to support your own sanity, growth, and healing.
Photo by Diane Heileman.