There is nothing I love more than stretching my mind. Granted, it helps to have a genuine interest in the topic; for example I don't love learning about our political system (too terrifying), or the science behind climate change (too depressing). But when I am on a path such as I am now, that fills my soul so deeply, it seems options for growth appear in front of me and I gladly immerse myself in the topics at hand. I integrate them into my heart and thus into my life purpose of offering healing to animals and people.
Looking back on 2016 I have had the occasion to work with a great number of astounding teachers, and I am extremely grateful for the opportunities, the learning, the heartfelt teachings that have been shared. They are a part of who I am today.
Linda Tellington-Jones, Tracey Vroom, Kelly McDermott-Burns, Marta Williams, Sarah Root, Lourdes Gray, Dendria McLaughlin, Bob Murray, Patrick MacManaway-
Broadening my mind and heart around subjects such as animal communication, massage, T-Touch, dowsing, earth energies, crystals, reiki, soul activation... how can I help but be shifted and expanded??